
  • Acupuncture

    Classical Five Element Acupuncture is an ancient practice treating the Body, Mind and Spirit to bring balance to health and wellbeing. Treatment is completely individual to each patient; it works holistically, aiming to restore the body’s inherent ability to heal. Symptoms are addressed at the root, making it effective for a wide range of conditions.

    Acupuncture involves the insertion of sterile, single use fine needles at specific points on the meridians to connect with the body’s qi and trigger the natural healing response.

    You can visit your acupuncturist for all the same reasons you might go to your doctor, as well as for general wellbeing and health maintenance.

  • Moxibustion

    Moxa is a herb (mugwort) that is an essential part of Chinese medicine which is used to warm and nourish the Blood. You will see that I use it frequently within my practice. The moxa is placed either directly onto the skin or can be placed on a clay pot and placed over the body. The moxa is then lit and allowed to slowly smoulder, enabling a therapeutic heat to permeate into the body and improve the flow of Qi and Blood in the area being treated.

  • Facial Enhancement Acupuncture

    Facial Enhancement Acupuncture is the insertion of small needles into muscles and acupuncture points in the head, neck and face to promote Qi and Blood flow. This relaxing practice encourages collagen production as well as smoothing out skin texture, boosting elasticity, brightening the eyes, minimising scarring and acne, reducing sagging, swelling, puffiness and improving skin tone such as dullness or discolouration. Using incredibly small micro needles, this technique can also focus on minimising the appearance of fine lines around areas of the eyes, forehead, mouth, cheek and chin.

    In tandem with the Five Element approach, during a facial enhancement acupuncture treatment, other points on the body are needled to ground the treatment. The practice allows other health complaints to be addressed at the same time. This often leaves the patient with feelings of overall improved wellbeing, better sleep, more energy and improved resilience.

    Treatments usually conclude with application of organic serums or oils based on your skin type and a 10 minute facial massage. 6-10 treatments are advised for long lasting luminosity on a fortnightly basis.

  • Tui Na

    This is a form of hands-on Chinese medicine which shares its history and medical theory with acupuncture. It is a deep tissue massage where I may knead, brush, roll, press or rub key areas around the body. Tui na stimulates the flow of the body’s vital energy system, moving any blockages which may have developed within the channels. It is commonly used to help treat chronic pain particularly associated with the musculoskeletal system in particular the neck, shoulders and back. The treatment is provided fully clothed and is extremely relaxing yet energising.

  • Auricular

    Auricular acupuncture focuses entirely on treating the whole body through points within your ear. It is commonly used to help treat conditions such as PTSD, addictions and substance misuse. A study in 2017 researched the use of a treatment protocol known as NADA in the treatment of substance abuse. The study looked at 100 people in treatment programs who received ear acupuncture. The study showed that those who had at least 2 session of twice weekly auricular acupuncture reported improved quality of life, increased energy and less alcohol use after 3 and 6 months.

    Ear acupuncture is used for a wide variety of symptoms including digestion, mental wellbeing, pain and sleep issues. I may use auricular acupuncture as part of a treatment, or I may place little plasters containing small seeds on your ears at the end of the treatment to help you stimulate certain points after the treatment.

  • Cupping

    Cupping is an ancient form of treatment which help stimulate the flow of Qi in the body, enabling balance to be restored, improve and stimulate blood circulation and aims to relieve muscle tension and pain. It involves the use of suction cups which are placed on the area being treated. Cupping may help a number of conditions including:

    Lower back pain

    Neck and shoulder pain

    Headache and migraine

    Knee pain

    You will feel a sucking sensation and some pressure. The cups may be left in place, or they may be moved around to stimulate circulation and movement in the area. I practise dry cupping which means there is no blood or body fluid removed in the process.

    You should not feel pain with this treatment, but due to the nature of the treatment, you may be left with some red marks where the skin has been treated with suction. These marks usually go within a few days.

  • Gua Sha

    Gua Sha is a therapy which involves the scraping of your skin with a massage tool to stimulate circulation or to treat areas of muscle pain or tenderness. I use a special tool to scrape along your skin to stimulate the microcirculation of the soft tissue which increases the blood flow. It is a really relaxing treatment which is excellent in the treatment of muscle tension, pain and inflammation. This can be applied all over the body including neck and face. I will apply a small amount of oil and apply pressure, directed by you which ensures you are in control of the treatment.

    As this treatment involves the scraping of the skin, it does result in the area appearing red due to the blood vessels being stimulated. This redness is only temporary and does settle over a few days.

  • Teishin

    This is the practice of using a short gold plated probe that is an effective alternate technique to patients suffering with the debilitating effects of surgery, including adhesions and scar tissue.

    Teishin can also be used to stimulate acupuncture points without using the insertion of needles.